Seed vaults are one of those things I have wanted to start for a long long time. I know how important it is to know how to save your own seeds, and I also understand how valuable an heirloom seed vault would be in an emergency situation. I mean what would you do if you couldn’t go to the grocery store for food? Well, you would need to provide your own, right?
Now, I don’t consider myself a “prepper” exactly. I certainly classify myself as a homesteader, and one of my main homesteading goals is being more self sufficient, but I think I am too flaky to be a prepper. Usually I see a really great prepping idea, and I truly want to implement it, but I just never get around to doing it. So I can’t call myself a “prepper” if I never get around to doing the actual “prepping” now can I?
Well every year, about this time in the spring, I have seeds on the brain. I go crazy about my seeds. I LOVE to look through all the catalogs, and I LOVE to plan my garden. Every year I think, “This is the year I am going to order all heirloom seeds, and I am going to do the work to start my own heirloom seed vault.”
And every year…. life gets in the way.
Maybe it has something to do with the four kids under 8 that I homeschool. Maybe it has to do with the fact that seed saving season is the same time as hay season on the farm, and we are working through the night to get the hay up. Maybe I am just being lazy about it. I am really good at excuses, can you tell? Let me rephrase that …. I am really good at excuses, can anyone relate?
So imagine my excitement when I came across a much easier and faster way to start my own heirloom seed vault!
Ok I am sharing this with you guys because it seriously made my day! It made my day because it was a huge relief to have found something so useful. I was so thrilled that I immediately called my dad to tell him about it. That’s a big deal guys. Maybe it will make your day too.
I came across a BUCKET of heirloom seeds a few weeks ago. This bucket is an heirloom seed vault containing 38 different varieties of seeds. Everything from tomatoes to lettuce to beans, radishes, squash, corn, and on and on and on. It has everything you could ever need in your survival garden. Seriously I couldn’t think of a vegetable that it was missing.
The best part is it’s already grown, harvested, dried, sorted, packaged, and nestled nicely in a protected seed vault all ready to go. You know, all the stuff I was avoiding doing. Whaaat?? You mean all those years of putting it off and putting it off, I could have had my seed vault mailed right to me in a beautiful package?
Now I want you to think about how many seeds fit in a bucket. Ya it’s a ton. I was blown away by the amount of seeds in there, and the paper says it is enough to plant up to 10 acres!
Another cool part is they are packaged in these resealable packets that don’t allow any sunlight or moisture to get in. None of these wimpy paper packets that always find the tiniest drop of water to suck up and ruin all your seeds. Yeah, you know what I am talking about! These seeds have a shelf life of 10 years (especially thanks to their packaging), so they are perfect for food storage and prepping.
You get several years worth of every seed you would need, all packaged nicely in your very own seed vault.
Now I don’t know how much YOU spend on seeds every year, but if you are like me you probably end up spending at least $50-$100 every spring, and then toss half the seeds because those little paper packets just don’t keep them safe. I always end up with wet packets, torn and spilled packets, packets that get blown over and dumped out, yada yada yada. Is it just me?
These heirloom seed vaults are $250, but the bucket is full to the brim of seeds. Like FULL full. WAY more seeds than I usually purchase each year. As in, I could barely get the lid back on. And like I said before, they are in re-sealable foil packets so they will last for years. No more water damage, or spilled seed packets because you can’t close them back up.
Well I was ecstatic to say the least. I ordered one so I could start my very own heirloom seed vault, have an incredibly valuable seed collection in my food storage, and to plant a whole bunch in my garden this year. My plan this season is to try out several of the varieties, but not all. I want to see how the seeds do once the package has been opened. I also want to keep my heirloom seed vault of survival seeds mostly full, while I get a good system down to keep replenishing it.
This is seriously the perfect way to start your very own heirloom seed vault. The little foil packages will last forever, so even if you did plant all of your seeds in a few years, you have the packets right there to refill. Keep them all in your bucket or vault, and they are protected from the moisture, rodents, insects, or whatever else may plague your area. Zombies maybe … I don’t know.
You will know for sure that all of your seeds are heirloom, non-hybrid, non-gmo, and will be perfect for seed saving. It’s that easy guys!
You can check out the heirloom seed vault a little more RIGHT HERE. These guys actually have quite a few cool survival products. Because I had such a great experience with them the first time, I will probably be scooping up some of their water filtration and storage things next. Our well went out a little while ago, and I was reminded what a terrible prepper I am. Water is next on my list, I swear!
Did anyone else find any super cool new things while spring garden/homestead shopping this year? I really do want to hear about them. Come on, share the love!
~Farmer’s Wife