Hey everyone! Farmer’s Wife here, I have avoided technology for a few years now so this is going to be a bit rough and simple (Go ahead and make fun of me I can handle it). I am here to share my knowledge with you and answer any questions you might have along the way. I really would love to hear from you so please leave a question or a comment in the contact form below.
Oh, and remember – Happy farming!
~Farmer’s Wife
About 12 to 15 years ago My daughter-in-law and I were fed up with store bought tomato cages. Her farmer dad helped up make our own out of rebar and a good wire cutter. We are still using them. They have rusted a little, but our garden center assures us that may only add iron to the soil.
I still use the old store bought variety for my pepper plants to keep them upright when the fruit gets heavy.
I’m enjoying your blog
great idea for the old store bought ones. I have a bunch laying around just getting in the way and I need something to do with them. Thanks Laura
Do you have a newsletter or am I able to receive regular reports from you? My email is lmcneair@hotmail.com.
Hi Lorraine, as long as you subscribed you will receive a newsletter. I do one every 1-2 weeks depending on how many posts I have written. Thanks!
Tried to sign up for your newsletter but nothing happens after hitting subscribe. Please sign me up. Thanks.
Thanks for letting me know Loraine, I hope this isn’t happening to others! I will get you signed up asap.