So you want to know more about our farmhouse?? Well I guess I haven’t scared you away yet, so here goes!
Farmer and I “moved back” to his parent’s farm way back in 2009. We started out in a cute little cabin near his parents home. After adding a few munchkins to our little clan, we moved to a bigger home 2 miles away, which is where we are now and where we will stay until we can build a farmhouse of our own.
We had kids right away and close together which has been an adventure for sure!
Little Man is six right now. He is 100% boy, loves to read upside down (he says it helps him think better), and builds stuff ALL THE TIME.
Sweetie Pie is four and she is exactly that, the sweetest little girl ever! She can’t stand to see anyone sad, and she LOVES babies and pretty things.
Boss is two years old and we never really know what he will do next. He is sneaky, and adorable, and likes to make everyone laugh.
And the caboose is Munch. He is 6 months old and is a super easy baby. So far the only problem we can find with him is that he seems to prefer the hospital over home. Maybe we need to put something in his room that beeps all night and he might like it a little better here.
A little over a year ago, Grandpa Farmer passed away leaving Farmer in charge of the chaos. So here we are, doing the best we can to keep all the crops alive, raise good kids who know how to work and who will be kind and thoughtful to others, and homesteading as much as we can manage. We plant a big garden every year, mostly because I need dirt under my fingernails, but also because it saves money, keeps us eating healthier, and teaches the kids all kinds of great stuff. We homeschool because we feel like that is what is best for our little ones right now. We farm because we love it. And we are always working to try to be a little more self sustaining though we have a LONG way to go.
Farmer really likes things to be clean and look nice, so it’s usually my fault that nothing looks pretty around here. However, all of us contribute to the dirt tracked everywhere and on everything, it’s just the way we live, inside, outside, inside, outside, every single day.
So if you are interested in homeschooling, gardening, farming, dirt in general, or raising a family then read on. These are things I am passionate about and yes, I love to talk about them too. Maybe I can help one or two people while I am at it.
Excited to be here! Excited to see the lists you make 😀
Welcome to the farmhouse Melodie! Thanks for commenting!